May, a month of renewal and celebrations

The sun is warming, the birds are chirping, the flowers are blooming and the garden is growing. May is a month of transition; the natural world revives and reinvigorates after the colder winter months, and life is starting to seem a little more joyful day by day. May takes its name from Maia – in Greek mythology, the eldest of the seven nymphs of the Pleiades. She was the daughter of Atlas, the Titan god, doomed to carry the weight of...

On the Horizon in 2022-23 with STI

2022, here we come! We all hoped that 2021 would enable us to travel the world, meet friends in other countries and simply let us roam free. Since that dream has faded away, we got busy setting up 2022 programs and we have our tours ready. Here is a selection of what we have in store for you. We look forward to having you join us soon! JANUARY 2022 - Classical South Pacific on the m/s Paul Gauguin Discover the...

Test Your Geography Knowledge

After more than a year of staying put and exploring our own backyard, do we still know our way around the globe? Here is a quiz to test your knowledge of our world’s geography! Answers at the bottom.  1. This landmark is 6 inches taller in summer than in winter, it was supposed to have been torn down and sold for scrap 20 years after it was built, and the man who designed it also designed the interior framework of the Statue...

Europe’s Historical Landmarks – Then and Now

Most of the world's most iconic sights only get better with age and stand out more when compared to the more minimalist creations of modern architecture. Some of them lean, one or two have gotten a little bit cracked over the years, and a few of them have a bus stop spoiling their view.   Standing strong throughout the years in the face of whatever else the world happens to throw at them, the magnificence of these buildings, bridges, streets and monuments...

On the Horizon for 2024-25

Travel the world with like-minded people, and discover how much shared enthusiasm increases your enjoyment of experiences tailored to your interests. All while you enjoy all the comfort and reassurance of traveling in a group. We believe in making extraordinary memories with friends, exceptional service and ethical business conducted with proven local partners.

Special Travel crafts unique tours for choirs, sport teams and many other special interest groups.

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