Every couple of weeks, Special Travel International writes about particular topics we find of interest – and hope you do, too. In case you’ve missed them, here are our most popular blog posts of the past twelve months. Happy reading! 

  1. Jonathan, the 188-year old tortoise
  2. 30 little-known facts about opera
  3. Spotlight on Vancouver Golf Tour: Preparing tomorrow’s champions
  4. The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World
  5. King Ludwig II of Bavaria: his Castles and Wagner
  6. STI, small tour operator with heart; niche market and specialty tours provider
  7. Special Classical Music Projects in 2020: Kai Gleusteen and Catherine Ordronneau, staying connected during times of isolation in Spain
  8. Elizabeth Taylor as Cleopatra
  9. Not to be forgotten – the 75th anniversary of the Liberation of the Netherlands and VE-Day and the 76th anniversary of D-Day
  10. Native Indian Football Association: A story of perseverance and dedication

We hope you’ve enjoyed going through these posts. All of them are available on our BLOG.

Please check our website for details on Special Travel International’s future tours: